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  • The Meadow -
    THE MEADOW explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the 'simulated' and the 'real' - a space to which artists are inevitably drawn. Ambiguity and irony also share this space, and it is here that new
  • Trends are all the trend. Alongside fashion and health it is analyses of economic trends and flows of finance and commodities which are shaping our environment. To what extent do they influence and change us as individuals and as a society? By
  • CHAOS [Sonat 1.0, Movement 1.0] is an art project by Sameh al Tawil 2021, which focuses on the visualisation of sound data. The artist is improvising live piano sounds that are developed for a 2D/3D visual/s generation and responses, these produce
  • Astrilab scenic apparatus is constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, representing Astri dynamism, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by
  • Pesce, Mark. The Playful World: How Technology Is Transforming Our Imagination. New York: Ballantine Books, 2000.
  • Flypad -
    The company has also been commissioned to create a major, new permanent installation for THEpUBLIC in West Bromwich UK, due to open in 2006. Using Augmented Reality, Flypad will generate avatars from a 'data body' - information
  • Pesce, Mark. Cathedrals of Light In The Playful World: How Technology is Transforming Our Imagination, edited by Mark Pesce, 248-255; 267. New York: Ballentine Books, 2000.
  • femme totale's main task is to showcase the work of women film directors but we also put the spotlight on other cinematic aspects — camera technique, film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film
  • Lenka Klimešová, MA (1986) is a multimedia and multidisciplinary artist working with the issue of perceiving a body through gender as a playful tangible disguise based on space identities and role models deconstructed in the intercultural
  • Event: e-phos 01: Body Kinesis, anamorphosis in the digital wasInstitution: ALAS Playful MediaComment: