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  • Pedro Veneroso, born in 1987, lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Bachelor of Visual Arts (EBA/UFMG), master with distinction in Literary Studies (FALE/UFMG) and PhD candidate in Arts (EBA/UFMG), the artist researches the intersections
  • Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology.The next iteration of the Media Art History conference is Re:live which is to be held in Melbourne, Victoria in 2009. The event follows the success of the two
  • The Freud-Lissitzky Navigator takes the visitor on a journey through an architectural simulation of Freud's theories. Scenes from Sergei Eisenstein's first attempts at a film exploration of Freud's and Lissitzky's original
  • Database of Provincial Life uses digital computers to accomplish a task which was impossible to achieve using any previous representational medium: documenting EVERYTHING which happen to EVERYBODY who lived in the 20th century. By focusing on the
  • With Virtual Reality (VR) a fundamental change is taking place in the digital age. Through the VR glasses people enter a new world instead of only looking at it on a flat screen. The human pursuit of immersion already demonstrated within the
  • Freud-Lissitzky Navigator is a computer game prototype; a software narrative; a tool to navigate through 20th century cultural history; an experiment in developing analysis of new media that uses the very forms of new media (in this case, computer
  • Weibel, Peter. Freud und die Medien Camera Austria 36 (1991): 3-21.
  • Black Box / Chambre Noire konzipierte William Kentridge speziell für die Reihe der Auftragsarbeiten des Deutsche Guggenheim und wählte daher inhaltlich bewusst Deutschland, das Land des Auftraggebers, als Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit. Kentridge, der
  • Spectropia -
    A work in progress , is an evening-length interactive media performance performed by two players with the the participation of audience members. Spectropia can also be presented as an interactive installation for two viewers at museums, festivals
  • Weber, Christian. Freundschaft im Internetzeitalter Du hast 100 neue Freunde [].