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  • Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda is an interdisciplinary media artist and cultural historian with a research focus in Latin American media art history. She is Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser
  • Diamond Sara. Euphoria & Dystopia (The BANFF New Media Institute Dialogues). Canada: BANFF Centre Press, 2011.
  • Parent Sylvie and Martel Christine. Largus : Art and Giving. Quebec, Canada: La Chambre Blanche, 2006.
  • Bula, Frances. “Art Beyond Stereotypes: Are suburbs the next great creative frontier?" Literary Review of Canada (April 2014):
  • Dejan Atanacković has presented solo exhibitions, video and audio installations, interventions in public space, as well as curatorial projects, since 1994. His works were exhibited in personal and collective shows in Italy, Serbia, Canada, USA,
  • Lawrence Bird practices in the visual arts, architecture, and urban design. A fascination with images of cities and geography, and relationships between image and materiality, informs his visual art practise. He has worked for Sputnik Architecture,
  • Heath Bunting is a British internet artist and activist. His early works include street art, performance, intervention, pirate radio, fax and mail art. In the 1990s, he became one of the co-founders of the movement. Many of his internet and
  • McLaren, Sylver. Artist puts Surrey on the map North Shore News, British Columbia, Canada (September 13, 2004 2004).
  • Laurence, Robin. Photos, Film Capture Surrey's Non-Identity Georgia Straight paper (British Columbia, Canada) (September 2, 2004 2004).
  • Defoy, Michel. JetSet: Transitory artist ENROUTE magazine, Air Canada (July 2004): 19.