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  • Homographies -
    Homographies is a large-scale interactive installation featuring a turbulent light array that responds to the movement of the public. The installation consists of 144 white fluorescent light tubes which are hung from 72 robotic fixtures on the
  • Less Than Three -
    "Less than Three" is an interactive installation of light strips that form a network between two intercoms. As a participant speaks into an intercom, his or her voice is translated into corresponding flashes of light and this light pattern is
  • Microphone -
    (...) The result is surprising because the sound comes directly from the microphone, which "speaks back", and because it is a memory of what already has been said. People initially only say something short like "hello" or "I am the decider" but
  • This sensation of absorption and the loss of one’s presence also finds its roots in the fear of souls being captured in mirrors. The Etruscan word for soul, hinthial, literally means, "image reflected in a mirror." [prototype installation] (source:
  • In contemporary times we may ask: is the search for self-knowledge extended and amplified through the medium of digital media? Or, do we find ourselves in a crisis - like that of Narcissus’ confusion or the loss of the soul - in which we can no
  • Narcissus' Well was originally inspired by the seminal Pepsi Pavilion, which was created by E.A.T. (Experiments in Art & Technology) for Expo ’70 in Osaka, Japan. In the Pepsi Pavilion, a 90-foot diameter spherical mirror engaged viewers in the
  • Mirrors: the Real and the Virtual, an information display about the project on view at the NASA-Goddard Research Center in Greenbelt, MD, where the project was developed in collaboration with optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005.
  • Inside the entry curtain, visitors follow a fiber-optic cable to the center of the resonating enclosure where a portal through the floor frames the installation's focal point. The live seismic data stream drives an embedded visual display and
  • Pulse Front -
    Pulse Front was a matrix of light over Toronto’s Harbourfront, made with lightbeams from twenty powerful robotic searchlights, entirely controlled by a network of sensors that measured the heart rate of passers-by. Ten metal sculptures detected the
  • Pulse Room - video
    Pulse Room is an interactive installation featuring one to three hundred clear incandescent light bulbs, 300 W each and hung from a cable at a height of three metres. The bulbs are uniformly distributed over the exhibition room, filling it