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  • As part of Acevedo’s retrospective exhibition at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, he organized and presented a Special Evening of EVM: Electronic Visual Music. It featured the musical acts, Rex Bruce, J3m5 (James Allen) and Hookah. A grouping of
  • Sanchez Cardona, LM. An image no for the eyes made with words not for the ear In Folios Reverberations: Art and Sound in the MUAC Collections, edited by Israel MartínezMexico: University Museum of Contemporary Art MUAC, 2017.
  • Solo exhibition.
  • Sancken, Paulette. REL Visitors from Abroad access 8, no. 1 (Spring 1994).
  • Genesis -
    Genesis is a transgenic artwork that explores the intricate relationship between biology, belief systems,information technology, dialogical interaction, ethics, and the Internet. The key element of the work is an "artist's gene", a synthetic gene
  • Born in Paris. Lives in California Prix Villa Medici Visiting Scholar HitLab 1991-1992 Research Fellow MIT (Visual Arts Program) 1990-1991 Research Fellow MIT (CAVS) 1989-1990 Prix EDF Foundation/Pleias 1989 MA in Art and Technology, (Paris U) MA
  • organized by the literaturWERKstatt berlin in cooperation with the Brückner-Kühner Foundation (Kassel) in the special exhibition hall at the Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Berlin. At P0es1s, Poetrica is in the Kulturforum and in public space. In the
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    Bodies© INCorporated is an investigation into social psychology and group dynamics, actualized in corporate structure. It is a collaborative project on many levels, from the team of artists implementing it, to the actively participating audience
  • Mori
    Sound-Installation "Mori" is an Internet-based earthwork that engages the earth as a living medium. In this installation, minute movements of the Hayward Fault in California are detected by a seismograph, converted to digital signals, and
  • Flür, Wolfgang. Kraftwerk: I Was a Robot. London: Sancturay Pub Limited, 2003.