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  • online video screening
  • Self&Other -
    Self&Other (2015 in progress) An in progress Robot performance, by Roc Parés & Martí Sánchez-Fibla, featuring two NAO anthropomorphic Robots. The scene is organized around an empty mirror frame, with one robot on each side. The two identical robots
  • Azimuth 77 - video
    Sebastián Sánchez Zelada and Marcello Mercado Azimuth 77, 2006, Performance, 21 min. 26 sec., stereo 4:3 colour This video is about a serie of performances that relates specific points in the tracking of Iridium-mobile
  • Sanchez Cardona, LM. The making of a nomenclature: José Iges on Radiophonic Art In Radio Art and Music. Culture, Aesthetics, Politics, edited by Pim Verhulst and Jarmila MildorfLondon: Lexington Books, 2020.
  • Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag & N-solab 1965 in Lübeck, Deutschland Club Transmediale 2008 sonArc::project, Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, ISBN (13)978-3-931659-97 Auszeichnungen (Auswahl) [Bearbeiten] 2008 CYNETart-Award 08 2008 Deutscher
  • Sanchez Cardona, LM. Sonar. Navigation // Location of Sound in the Artistic Practices in the 20th Century. Documentos DAH, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Juan Pablos Editor, 2018.
  • Collector -
    ... to any place and just rotates the handle of...
  • ...a straw-like user interface (SUI) developed by inami...
  • Sanchez Cardona, LM. Approximations to the New Narrative of Jalisco. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara/Fonca, 2000.
  • About 350 artists of over 30 different nationalities are taking part in this 5th edition of the FILE, with solo or collective works in the fields of net art, web art, interactive animation, hypertext, interactive web film, interactive movie,