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  • ... area- an empty room and a digital stage on the Internet are connected via optical tracking. Real and virtual space are... As part of the EU funded eRENA Project (Electronic Arenas for Art, Culture Entertainment), Fleischmann und Strauss and the MARS lab...
  • ... exercises. It is an example of the fact that it is media art that provides the blueprints for industrial development without...
  • Handsight
    ... This tableau is iconographically related to a Hungarian folk art tradition that created miniature religious scenes in glass...
  • ... (A. Hegedüs) Winner of the PRIZMA-Prize for Computer Art, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung 1993
  • ... where the work is installed. It introduces the form of an artwork where viewers who are physically separated from each other can...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... a near life-size wooden puppet that is formed like the prosaic artists' mannequin; this figure can be handled by the viewers to...
  • Octopus -
    ... in its long tentacles (25m). The work was made for the start of activities by de Stichting.
  • Pneutube -
    A large transparent inflatable tube the public could enter and which, depending on the context of presentation, functioned as an expanded cinema and performance environment, playful interactive space and architectual corridor.
  • Black Airground -
    A row of three large parachutes were fixed around their perimeter to the floor and continuously inflated with air. A light bulb above each parachute was the only illumination in the installation, and they were individually activated by the pitch and
  • Supertube -
    A high volume of air was blown from below into a long open-ended polythene tube caused it to flap around wildly in the sky. Smoke and confetti could be added to the air stream.