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  • genieBottles -
    ... to a larger and more complex story. The interaction time thus constrains the plot time and hence the narrative. The genie voices were played by storytellers Kevin Brooks, Laura Packer and Raelinda Woad. We would also like to thank Nyssim Lefford for sound...
  • Soundcities -
    ... beat, birds, boredom, churches, industrial, mechanical, music, noisy, people, rythm, sirens, speaking, traffic, travel, voices, weather Introduction The sounds of cities also give clues to the emotional and responsive way we interact with our...
  • ... ways. Some drawings are reflective of music played to it (for example the music of Charlie Parker), while others are the voices of children and adults that visited it while it was installed at The Ark: A Cultural Center for Children in Dublin, Ireland....
  • Flight Patterns -
    ... Institute of Technology, and Bicycle Built for Two Thousand with Daniel Massey, an online project which records voices across the globe singing together. Aaron Koblin also created House of Cards in the Code section of the exhibition
  • ... Ayron Sena, Pelé, Carmen Miranda, Cantinflas, through fragments of national anthems, in speeches, from movie soundtracks, voices , noises, speeches heard by passersby, when passing through the ramp, triggering sensors. At the same time, an ambient sound...
  • Noise and Smoke -
    ... to eachother. When visitors pick up their telephone receivers, dial a number and talk into their mouthpieces, their voices are transformed into noise that echoes out from the receiver of the other phone. Additionally, spoken words are also...
  • ... Through an audio installation the audience at the exhibition space can listen to an over fifty days-long track of robotic voices reading selected statements of Americans sorted by their political involvement.
  • Walk Münster -
    ... Instead of a factual tour through the "Sculpture. Projects in Münster 1997," or a history of Münster, the listener hears voices and sounds that are partially connected in some way to each separate environment: for instance, the twittering of birds, pealing...
  • ... abstract structures that provide a framework to bring together egalitarian values, collaborative perspectives and edifying voices. It includes a basic taxonomy of cultural, economic and political concepts relevant to the creation of an ideal civilization,...
  • Net Art
    ... Ghost City, Lines of Life, Urban Fragments, Without A Trace, All The News Thats Fit To Print, Talking Walls, Disembodied Voices, Random Paths and Visual Chaos