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  • ...Andres Burbano. Interview on 'ways of neuron' project for 2nd Architectural...
  • StoryRooms -
    ... that invite you to explore the ways we now communicate with each other...
  • Zero City -
    ... are programmed the same way and act as a pack carrying out the...
  • ...Event: 100 Ways to Live a MinuteInstitution: The Pushkin State Museum of Fine...
  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..
  • .. making visible that which is not before our eyes, that which is not directly evident nor exposed to the view ..
  • .. explore the potential of the human body to be an audio-visual instrument ..
  • ...calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened thinking about nature’s ‘tangled bank’.
  • Eduardo Kac, pioneer of multiple art genres like Telematic Art, Transgenic Art and Bio Art, guides us through 40 years of radical changes in the body-technology relationship, offering different approaches on how to reflect the boundaries of human
  • George Legrady has exhibited across the world and is widely recognized as one of the early digital artists that researched the semiotic and cultural implications of software-produced images. His work encompasses a wide range of digital experiments