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  • ... childhood (puzzles, lego...). Reminder of the social roles that we play through our... age performance with three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping...
  • ... Dimensions: 0.6m x 1.0m x 2.8m The sculpture utilizes eight Kodak Carousel S...
  • the 2 puppets -
    ...Event: the 2 puppetsInstitution: Theater MetropolComment:
  • Transcodex -
    ...Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata theaterComment:
  • Transcodex -
    ...Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata TheaterComment:
  • Interieur
    ...Event: InterieurInstitution: Inauguration of the dome-theater “SatosphereComment:
  • Enjeux
    ... Games as Performing Arts Festival, Amata theaterComment:
  • ... in Bio Art – How did you “grow up” in the Bio Artscene and what can Bio Art offer today?In... photography andpreserved in storage boxes as needed. We all await what the new...
  • ... shows numerous discoveries, which, for the most part, have no longer been available for... partner at the time, Klaus vom Bruch, »the boxing match« from 1972 that Joseph Beuys...
  • Desert rain -
    ... belongings, were given a hooded black jacket and asked to identify their objective from... In this fascinating piece the company worked in collaboration with the Computer Research Group of the... unexpected in their pockets - a small box of 100,000 sand grains reporting a quotation...