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  • ...Hauser, Jens. Art between Synthetic Biology and Biohacking: Searching for Media Adequacy in the Epistemological Turn Leonardo Electronic Almanac... Hauser, Jens. Art between Synthetic Biology and Biohacking: Searching for Media Adequacy in the Epistemological Turn Leonardo Electronic Almanac...
  • ...This piece is contained inside of a "Biohazrd Tent", or isolation chamber. Inside of the tent are several I.V. drip bags for blood transfusions,...
  • ... Oper, Videoinstallation , Videokunst , Netzkunst , Biokunst, Net-Radio, Auftritte im Internet mit Verkehrs-Kameras, neu... fast bis zur Unkenntlichkeit gemischt. Das Ergebnis sind artifizielle, sichtbare Landschaften in Form von Bergen, Wälder, Seen...
  • ...Marta de Menezes. A biologia como novo meio para as artes visuais Propostas de Arte Portuguesa 9 (2007): 90-93. Marta de Menezes. A biologia como novo meio para as artes visuais Propostas de Arte Portuguesa 9 (2007): 90-93.
  • ... He became known through his efforts related to extending biological evolution and simulating new life forms, emphasizing in... Bec’s artistic work revolved around the interlocking of art and science. He became known through his efforts related to extending biological...
  • ... in rural Québec and San Francisco. ( Char Davies is internationally recognized for pioneering artworks using the technologies of virtual reality. Originally a painter, she...
  • ... source: Attended the Cooper Union School of Art and BA in Architecture in 1979. She then taught at the Cooper Union and has been Associate Professor of...
  • ...Andres Burbano. Instantaneas: Estetica, Biologia & tecnologia Revista de Estudios Sociales , no. 22 (September 2005): 117-125.
  • ... the body and the technologies, by mixing artificial and biological signals. Interfaces and algorithmic processes expand... the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units....
  • ... needs. Life in the environment is a result of the mixture of biologic and technologic signals. The natural world is revitalized... ecological environment. A transdisciplinary team that includes artists, biologists, information technology and automation people is...