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  • INCUBATOR Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science and Ecology School for Arts and Creative Innovation, The University of Windsor Director, Dr. Jennifer Willet 2009 – Ongoing INCUBATOR is a physical and theoretical hub, a new
    video 2′ 'The latest research within the artist’s already distinguished paradigm has brought a few novelties. In the field of phisical laws the stress is on experimentig with magnetism and as far as the complex levels of her works of art are
  • ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts is the major academic event on Media Art, research and creation. Value of Values is an invited artwork curated by Art Center Nabi for the Lux Aeterna Exhibition. “Value of Values (VoV) is a
  • The Art Collider -
    Artistic Statement The proliferation of networks and communication systems fosters the free circulation and the diversification of exchanges, which create a redistribution of values, as opposed to those in economics which are merely transactions.
  • video loop 1,54' Video Vanitas – Self-portrait presents a hypnotic image of the continuous dissolution of the author's face, skull and brain. The repetitive liquefying interplay between the exterior and the technologically-visualized exterior posits
  • was born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1982. He holds a Master's in Arts and Architecture Critics from the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal under the supervision of Doc Jacinto Teias Lageira and a Bachelor from the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado FAAP,
  • Kwangju Biennale 2004 -
    "The Gwangju Biennale 2004 is a cultural forum that experiments with established cultural practices that are centered around the art specialist and cultural power, specifically, artist and curator. To subvert the existing hierarchy, we deploy new
  • femme totale's main task is to showcase the work of women film directors but we also put the spotlight on other cinematic aspects — camera technique, film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film
  • Videoschwelle -
    Video installation in public space In the context of the project Freizone Dorotheergasse (Wiener Festwochen and Galerie Metropol), Vienna (AT) In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The work 'Videoschwelle' was conceptualized as part of an exhibition in
  • Water Catalogue Linear Video 1984 1984, 27:30 min, color, sound A lyrical fusion of hypnotic images, original music and spoken narrative text, The Water Catalogue is a meditation on the power and poetry of water. In this impressionistic "video