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  • Flack Attack -
    Flack Attack is a magazine coming out of The Port, a community-driven space inside the online 3D world Second Life. Flack Attack explores a distributed model for magazine production. The workflow starts with a wiki, a web page allowing for open and
  • Abstraction Machine / Erotic - The Voyeur of Light (1994) was a site specific installation in a hotel room, Room 33 Gallery, Regent's Court Hotel, Sydney, Australia. The security viewer was inverted so that visitors could view into the room. A
  • Cell Ghosts -
    This work captures the viewer moving through space with a live camera, with their image projected in particles that is stored in memory and appear later as a ghost. The person passing by also activates text. The ambient sounds are a composition of
  • INS(H)NAK(R)ES is an interactive system that uses robotics, sensoring and communication networks. It proposes to share the body of a robot snake put in a serpentarium with other snakes. A web camera is coupled to the robot transmitting in real time
  • Water e-Motion: Transformative Views, paper and online presentation by Lila Moore
  • 080808, the second UpStage festival of online performance, took place on 8 August 2008, featuring 13 performances by artists from around the world, and RL access nodes in Wellington, Munich, Oslo and LA.
  • Video Vortex #8 -
    Video Vortex #8 The Politics, Cultures and Art of Online Video Video Vortex #8 was held May 17th-19th, 2012, in the The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Croatia
  • Online exhibition of Web-based work curated by Walker Art Center.
  • Knowbotic Research. Co-Realities In Nonlocated Online - Medien.Kunst.Passagen, edited by Knowbotic ResearchVol.3. Wien: Passagen Verlag, 1994.
  • GFP Bunny
    Kasprzak, Michelle. GFP Bunny