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  • Ellen Pearlman. The brain as a hackable driver
  • Mega Diary
    Open Diary project to understand the unrelated person. This is a project which opens many people's everyday lives to the public through computer networking. Participants write down diaries on a bulletin board on internet for 100 days. This
  • Tomb on the Network. A project for a magazine "BRUTUS". A work as a curator of a imaginary museum. Actual museums are sometimes said to be cemeteries for art works, well then, what if I make a cemetery into a museum? Actual cemeteries always
  • Seeing is believing -
    The installation to see the invisible. An installation for a one-man exhibition at Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art,Japan. "Seeing is Believing" consists of three works. "Empty Entity" infrared ray electric light display, "Sheep"
  • Vanishing Body -
    A work to lead spectator to a position of a performer. An installation for an exhibition "De-Genderism" at Setagaya Museum, Japan. When you enter the semicircle room (devided into two rooms by a screen), you are asked whether to enter with your
  • Pearlman,Ellen. The Brain As A Hackable Driver International Society For Electronic Art (ISEA),Vancouver (August 2015).
  • Event: 2012 AT&T Mobile HackathonInstitution: MIT massachusetts institute of technologyComment:
  • What if we can leave a memory on the air? If we can, we will see the landscape and space is filled up with memories. The project tried to visualize this fantasy with the help of modern technology and hacked electoronics. Ideal location of this
  • PostPet -
    A artificial pet mail-soft. Planning and directing.(Graphic Design by MANABE Namie, Program by KOUKI Takashi) A pet you keep in your computer delivers your e-mail just like a carrier pigeon. If your e-mail friend has PostPet soft, your pet
  • "Thanks Tails" are tails for cars. An organ which express appreciation. To make it easier to understand, it is not expressed by language but by the gesture of tails of dogs. I consider this as an art work only when this is manufactured. This