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  • Golem -
    Digital video installation 2 monitors and 12 channel audio, colour, sound audio by Hans Peter Kuhn Golem was a two channel video installation where the two monitors were arranged like the pages of an open book. The imagery was derived from
  • The Refusal of Time - Installation at the Documenta 13, Kassel, Germany.
  • AR-Jig -
    Head-mounted displays (HMDs) based augmented reality (AR) systems have been applied for design simulations. Although such AR systems give users 3D and real scale feelings of digital data that could be useful in design explorations, there are a few
  • Automatic WritingArtist: William KentridgeComment:
  • Mine
    MineArtist: William KentridgeComment:
  • Ubu Tells the Truth -
    Ubu Tells the TruthArtist: William KentridgeComment:
  • Recombinant Figure -
    Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one computer, using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The viewer sees themselves reflected in a maze of mirrors within the work whilst the
  • Mind/Machine -
  • Short video showing the installation of "Border Patrol" by Paul Garrin and David Rokeby. They got a golden Nica for it already in 1997 but it could be exhibited only a year later.
  • Robo Topobo -
    Robo Topobo brings the improvisation and performative thrill of video games to hands-on modeling and invention. “Robo” is a controller that children can use to save, replay and adjust playback of up to four Topobo recordings. With Topobo a child can