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  • Grass - video
    ... data smoothing, shading and light source and reflection control, compounded...
  • The Muse -
    ... magazine Art and Dossier, November, 1990. Source:
  • Easter hack -
    ... Saturday you can join media artist & open source advocate Andreas Zingerle (AT) and AI...
  • Tessarae of Venus -
    ... environment. The photomontages are sourced on location in remote parts of California...
  • ...fgang+Strauss&aqs=chrome..69i57.13545j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d6f7859...
  • FACT Centre -
    ... yellow, cyan and magenta. The lights sources are tiny LED lights, spaced at 8mm...
  • ... study. In nature black holes are sources of high energy activity that produce...
  • After Tomorrow -
    ... number. The Number uses bio-organisms as sources of unique data useful for search for a new...
  • ... and “META/DATA: A Digital Poetics”. Sources: ...