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  • His Master's Voice -
    HMV is a board game. The players can move semi-autonomous ball robots by making sounds. Form and gravity collude with voice, board and chance. Each ball listens to a certain pitch and starts to move if the right frequency was hummed or sung. The
  • Dominic Harris (London, 1976) is an artist who uses technology to construct highly personal interpretations of the natural phenomena which surround us. His reverence for nature, coupled with his fascination for code, offers a surreal and whimsical
  • CHAOS [Sonat 1.0, Movement 1.0] is an art project by Sameh al Tawil 2021, which focuses on the visualisation of sound data. The artist is improvising live piano sounds that are developed for a 2D/3D visual/s generation and responses, these produce
  • Inertia
    Inertia, 2010-11 | Music Henry Vega | Dance Géraldine Fournier | [Materials] Projectors, Computers, Media Player. Dimensions: 5m x 5m x 2.0m Utilizing the cut-up technique, a methodology commonly associated with the aleatory literary technique in
  • Astrilab scenic apparatus is constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, representing Astri dynamism, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by
  • Pesce, Mark. The Playful World: How Technology Is Transforming Our Imagination. New York: Ballantine Books, 2000.
  • Pesce, Mark. Cathedrals of Light In The Playful World: How Technology is Transforming Our Imagination, edited by Mark Pesce, 248-255; 267. New York: Ballentine Books, 2000.
  • Event: e-phos 01: Body Kinesis, anamorphosis in the digital wasInstitution: ALAS Playful MediaComment:
  • Event: Transdance LaboratoryInstitution: ALAS Playful MediaComment: