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  • Mostra Passageiros -
    A mostra Passageiros levou a videoarte para dentro do MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria - RS). A mostra foi uma realização da Galeria Mamute, com o apoio do PPGART/UFSM, Labart e do PPGAV/UFRGS. Esta foi a primeira, de uma série de mostras de
  • Four participants enter into a small, closed off, pitch black dark room. The room houses a large architectural construction: 4, 1 x 6 meter long tunnels outfitted with a series of taught, fabric muslin screens. The rear screen is solid while the
  • REFLEXION - In Sync / Out of Sync - is a real-time light and sound installation consisting of electroluminescent (EL) wires and octophonic (8.2) sound. The main concept is based on research showing that our heartbeats can be synchronised by
  • The Library -
    As the Y2K media frenzy and millennium celebrations reached a fever pitch in late 1999, the finishing touches were being put on the design of one of the most ambitious VRML projects on the internet today. With the assistance of modellers, animators
  • Electronic Visual Music Work TRT: 1:17 Directed and Animated by Victor Acevedo Music by Igor Amokian (Chris Holland) video © 2021 Victor Acevedo music © 2021 Chris Holland Victor: Orbic Field is a ‘prequel’ to my piece called Orbital Remix which
  • The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of
  • HAZE Express - video
    HAZE Express is an interactive computer installation that develops the metaphor of traveling and watching landscapes passing by through the window of vehicles such as trains, cars and air planes. When looking at a landscape at high speed, one does
  • Morphogenesis -
    concept The installation is about the evolutionary developement of a three dimensional organic form. it consists out of two coupled systems. one system exists in real space, visitors interact with a virtual organic projected onto a 4 by 3m back
  • Lo Yo Yo -
    Lo Yo Yo is about the enormous volume of electromagnetic information which invisibly permeates the space we live in. The piece randomly scans the radio broadcast bands producing a real time five channel mix. Scanning controlled by an arbitrary,
  • Nano-Scape - video
    This nano-scale sculpture is invisible, just like the Nano-world it comments about. While science and media try to capture images of these tiniest of particles in order to understand their properties, Nano-Scape tries to make this Nano-world