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  • Freyer, Conny and Sebastien Noel and Eva et. al. Rucki. Digital by Design: Crafting Technology for Products and Environements.. London: Thames and Hudson, 2008.
  • The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history
  • Event: Pensar el Arte. Corrientes Cálidas y Frías a partir de la posguerraInstitution: Laesfera AzulComment:
  • Pedjick, Bodjana. Unknown Artist. New York: Fricke & Schmid, 1993.
  • In this interactive laser-disc-based work the viewer has to push a protruding steel bar to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn animates the images on its screen. A friction plate forces the viewers to exert themselves physically. Turning
  • The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history
  • The installation DIORAMATIZED #02 is part of Rudi Knoops based PhD research. The central concept of the installation is introducing friction between the multiple layers of sound and vision. Perspectives that do not completely match, invite to
  • The installation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of sound and vision can be a trigger for embodied perception. A multitrack registration—for both sound and
  • Interactive Frictions -
    Event: Interactive FrictionsInstitution: University of Southern CaliforniaComment:
  • The CD-Rom plays a particularly challenging role in these developments. In providing artists with a broader "bandwidths" and more extensive data bases than can yet be readily accessed on the internet, the format of the CD-Rom challenges artists to