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  • Curated by Allison Collins in collaboration with Carrie Edinger and Srimoyee Mitra. Presented in partnership with the New Media Caucus. Human migration is a defining issue of the 21st century, often calling into question the relevance, role, and
  • Manetas Miltos and Kisseleva Olga and Jodi and Gaulon Benjamin and Cheang Shu Lea and Closky Claude and Beloff Zoe. Octopus Project. Montpellier, France: Book In Progress, 2013.
  • During a guest residency at the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, I assigned my students the task of making a wall-size mural entirely from standard video. They understood that the camera had to be on a tripod in the exact same location, and
  • Dr. Catherine B. Fisher has been an exhibited and published artist for over forty years. She lives in the Sutherland Shire of New South Wales, Australia. Her artworks are nationally award-winning & multi-disciplinary - printmaking, digital art,
  • Cheap Imitation -
    "Cheap Imitation" is an homage to Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp was of course an inveterate re-user of existing works of art. In "Cheap Imitation", Rokeby has cut up Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" into the several hundred facets that make up
  • In this collaboration with David Elliot, Patrick Tierney, and Tiffany Pan, we proposed a do-it-yourself, decentralized bulletin board system that uses FM radio for transmitting messages received by phone. In addition, each transmitter node in the
  • What if we can leave a memory on the air? If we can, we will see the landscape and space is filled up with memories. The project tried to visualize this fantasy with the help of modern technology and hacked electoronics. Ideal location of this
  • did you read the east -
    did you read the east? was a teleintervention conceived the 4th Arte/Cidade edition_ Artecidadezonaleste_ that linked an electronic billboard of São Paulo with any computer connected to the Web. Participants could choose an image on line, send
  • Recycle a Boeing -
    The second in the series of networked performances: “We have a Situation…” The participants in Nantes explored the realm of Aircraft recycling – a subject that came about through discussions addressing Nantes’ own second airport conflict and the
  • "Thanks Tails" are tails for cars. An organ which express appreciation. To make it easier to understand, it is not expressed by language but by the gesture of tails of dogs. I consider this as an art work only when this is manufactured. This