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  • Dixon, Steve. Metal Performance: Humanizing Robots, Returning to Nature, and Camping About TDR 48, no. 4 (Winter 2004).
  • Hosale, Mark-David and Sana Murrani and Alberto de Campo, ed. Worldmaking as Techné: Participatory Art, Music, and Architecture. Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press, 2018.
  • Masahiko Inami is a professor in the School of Media Design at the Keio University (KMD), Japan. His research interest is in human I/O enhancement technologies including bioengineering, HCI and robotics. He received BE and MS degrees in
  • Camouflage -
    Intervention For the temporary intervention 'Camouflage' the ten national flags attached to flagpoles at the bus parking lot on the Bieler Höhe were exchanged for monochrome quartz green banners. Not until they were approached did they appear to
  • Frieling, Rudolf and Dieter Daniels, ed. Medien Kunst Netz 1 - Medienkunst im Überblick / Media Art Net 1 - Survey of Media Art. Wien, New York: Springer Verlag, 2003.
  • Michelin, Simone. Do Mito, Media and Movimento (On Myth, Media and Movement) In XXIV Congresso Brasileiro da Comunicacao - Campo Grande/MS - setembro 2001, edited by Intercom - Sociedade Brasileiro De Estudos Interdisciplinares Da ComunicacaoCampo
  • Event: Campo 6, The Spiral VillageInstitution: BonnefantenmuseumComment:
  • Campos | Temporales -
    Campos | Temporales was developed as a large scale architectural video installation for 150 Media Stream, a curated video exhibition space in the lobby of 150 Riverside Plaza in Chicago. A musical composition by Christopher Walczak was presented on
  • Campos | Temporales -
    150 Media Stream has been curating video installations for its unique architectural setting for over five years, featuring work by Chicago-area and international artists.
  • Cross Currents -
    The multi-media project Cross Currents is the third part in the Yugoslavian War trilogy with Pietà (Neue Galerie, Graz, 1996, produced in collaboration with scenario URBANO) and Motel Vilina Vlas (Sprengel Museum, Hanover, 1996) forming the second