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  • Metaplay -
    ...MetaplayArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • Maze -
    ...MazeArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • Small Planet -
    ...Small PlanetArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • The Butterfly in the Brain is the name of an exhibition that referenced the human nervous system. It consisted of a series of digital prints that employs the image of a brain that has been produced by MRI technology. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Psychic Space -
    ...Psychic SpaceArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • Aspects of Gaia -
    ... with computer graphic images contributed by networkers around the world, and which can be further manipulated by participants in the tents. Each tent provides a "Bird's-Eye" view from above, with different kinds of interaction. The second...
  • Telenoia -
    ... TV, we'll use video also. We want to make authoring a collective experience and a collaborative process.We want the art we make to be opened-ended, unstable and uncertain. Telenoia ias all about that, it's celebratory as well as critical....
  • La Plissure du Texte -
    ...La Plissure du TexteArtist: Roy AscottComment:
  • ...Apollo 13Artist: Roy AscottComment:
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... of viewer interaction at the public interface. Cyb-ids are multimedia clusters drawn from the identity profiles of invited artists. The artists invited to contribute to the project are dispersed across the world and represent leading edge practice in the...