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  • Hartmut Jahn is a German artist, film-director and author in the field of media. He has been appointed Professor in the Media Design department at Mainz University of Applied Sciences in 1998. Since 2011 he has been director / speaker of the Mainz
  • The "UFF" situation took place in Graz, Austria from 17-22 May 2013 and was concerned with food generally, and more specifically with the industrialisation of Austrian farming practices and the impact of this on animal welfare, the environment, and
  • Heliotrope -
    Heliotrope is an artwork made using computer manipulated images and animations in which the user interacts to control the sequence of events. Like many interactive artworks the piece requires input from the user. However, unlike a computer game, the
  • On a large white platform, the artist has arranged the typical Christmas scenario of his parents’ home: the family members, furniture and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations, presents, and letters from family members. The annual
  • Where are you from?_Stories / Version 09 Date: 2009 Materials: interactive media installation. Measurements: variable (black box) Other information: Group exhibition held at: Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 8th –
  • Schmutziges Licht ( LICHTPHON ART-AVANT X ) Sound/Video Work Schahram Poursoudmand (Music & Sound Artist, Composer, Visual Imagist, Poet) & Yoann Trellu (Video & Visual Artist) An abstract, poetic visual-sound-drama The visual, tonal union and view
  • An interactive 4 channel video installation for actors and the audience describes the life of the Missionar Jakob Friedrich Ziegler, who moved in the mid-19th Century from Dagersheim near Stuttgart to Dharwar in Karnataka, India. Chris Ziegler:
  • Creatures #4 -
    CREATURES #4 6/7/8 May 2016 16:00-21:00 Opening on Friday 6 May 2016 at 16:00 Interactive installation by Pier Giorgio De Pinto @ Keck-Kiosk Klybeckstrasse 1b, Basel Tram Nr.8 - Stop Kaserne All
  • Paal, Stefan et al. PAAL, Stefan KAMMÜLLER, Reiner FREISLEBEN, Bernd A Cross-Platform Application Environment for Nomadic Desktop Computing published on 14 March
  • Wissensgewächs interactive facade with 16 screens reacting to passerby’s positions, distance and movements © 2007, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer This interactive façade was designed by Mignonneau and Sommerer for the City of Science in