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  • My Black Cat -
    In a series of 'test cases', Knowbotic Research investigate the construction of identity, power, and communication.The installation Black_Cat confronts the constitution of subjectivity under the current post-media condition. In this installation,
  • The Hybrid Invention Generator (2001) is a work that explores a "machinic genetics." Users of the system can scroll through a series of inventions, choose two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying
  • Cilleruelo, Lourdes. Arte de Internet: génesis y definición de un nuevo soporte artístico (1995-2000). País Vasco, Spain: Servicio Editorial Universidad del País Vasco, 2001.
  • All Targets DefinedArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • La experiencia que tenemos de las cosas (tangibles e intangibles) se compone de acciones simples enlazadas a símbolos que encontramos en el mundo. Imprimimos estas experiencias a distintas áreas de nuestro cerebro y luego, de alguna manera, perdemos
  • Brian Mackern (Uruguay) is a new media artist, developer and designer of digital and hybrid net based art projects since 1995. Musician, composer and developer of autogenerative and reactive sound visual structures and environments. His art practice
  • Watz is an artist based in New York and Oslo. He works extensively with generative design and code to explore the creative outputs of virtual spaces defined by rule-based systems and visual abstraction through generative systems. In 2005 Watz
  • Boids
    In 1986 Craig W. Reynolds made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. The
  • TI -
    C.E.B. Reas lives and works in Los Angeles. His work focuses on defining processes and translating them into visualisations. Since 2001, he has developed Processing, an open-source programming environment, with Ben Fry. Both Reas and Fry have
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    Two years before the turn of the century, a committee chaired by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, at the time director of the Centre Pompidou, was entrusted with the task of defining the ceremonies to celebrate the millennium. Oddly enough, I was invited to