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  • Event: Mignonneau, Laurent, Sommerer, Christa, “Fremdsprachige Matinee: l'interaction revisitée“, Lecture at Kepler Salon, Linz (Austria), 26.06.2011Institution: Kepler SalonComment:
  • An Imaginary Museum of Revolutions was a proposed multimedia installation to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution. The basic concept was to address 200 revolutions from the French Revolution up to the present-day. The major
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ELASTIC SURGERY is an artwork that allows a participant to perform subtle or gross distortions to his or her own face. While some of the changes may be possible by conventional plastic surgery, most could only be achieved by these electronic means,
  • Foto series The mechanics of emotions in photographs 6 photos with subtitles "La Mécanique des émotions" is a great tale of works : performances, installations, sculptures, machines… "eMoving Stills" are like a subtitled film in which the
  • The Meadow -
    THE MEADOW explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the 'simulated' and the 'real' - a space to which artists are inevitably drawn. Ambiguity and irony also share this space, and it is here that new
  • Martin John Callanan is an artist and researcher exploring notions of citizenship within the globally connected world. Concerns include information, data, and knowledge. Martin John Callanan is an artist whose work spans numerous mediums and
  • The Blue Station -
    Conceived in collaboration with the French architect Jean Nouvel , won the co m petition to create Paris 's first interactive subway station in the heart of Paris . Funded by the RATP (Parisian Transport Company) this unique project is meant to be a
  • A Stereoscopic Surround Sound Installation. Work in Progress. The viewer enters a darkened room to discover life size stereoscopic figures that appear to inhabit our own three dimensional space. These phantoms reenact a series of séances held
  • Pixelpark Interactive Environments created the Mercedes-Benz Info Designer for the Auto Salon Paris 2000 and made this special service an interactive, customer-friendly experience. In just a few steps users can obtain an overall picture of all
  • Joachim Blank, Mitbegründer von Internationale Stadt Berlin, war seit Beginn der 90er Jahre als Künstler, Initiator und Autor in grundlegende Projekte involviert, die den durch die Digitalisierung ausgelösten Paradigmenwechsel hinterfragten. Mit