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  • Salter, Chris. Timbral Architectures, Aurality's Force. Sound and music In William Forsythe and the practice of choreography: It starts from any point, edited by Steven SpierNew York: 2011.
  • Event: The Printed Room: Poems 1990-2001Institution: Salts GalleryComment:
  • Bay-Cheng, Sarah and Jennifer Parker-Starbuck and David Z. Saltz, ed. Performance and Media: Taxonomies for a changing field. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015.
  • ... Spice More Than Just Nice Grunion Gazette ...
  • Claudia Robles-Angel is an interdisciplinary artist born in Bogotá-Colombia, currently living in Cologne-Germany and active worldwide. Her work and research cover different aspects of visual and sound art, which extend from audiovisual
  • Taken -
    transmediale.07 with its theme "unfish!" analyses the artistic processes open for variation and reversion of choices once made. The festival has its focus on the point at which fixed things are put into motion again, and asks for the meaning of
  • The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of
  • City Sonics #8 -
    27.08-12.09.2010 Machine a Eau, Mons Belgium Philippe Franck, Artistic Director presented project by LAb[au]: binary waves, mode: sound installation 2x540kHz, sound installation by Mika Vainio and LAb[au] about the festival Willing to
  • Salter, Chris. Timbral Architecture | Aurality´s Force: Music and Sound in the Choreographies of William Forsythe In William Forsythe and the Practice of Choreography, edited by Steven SpierLondon, UK: Routledge Press, 2010.
  • Salter, Chris. The Question of Thresholds: Immersion, Absorption and Dissolution in the Environments of Audio-Vision In See This Sound - Audiovisuologies 2, edited by Lentos Museum and Ars Electronica and Ludwig Boltzman InstitutKöln, DE: