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  • The World Generator / The Engine of Desire (1996-present) marks an expansion of Seaman's work into the realm of virtual environments. Seaman collaborating with the programmer Gideon May authored a complex virtual world generator that enables
  • As you approach this piece a sensor turns a light on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex worms which are the stars of this piece demonstrate a form of supra organization in which these single tubefex worms
  • Othello in an urban space:A trial of doing "Othello ®" game in human scale. Each partisipant plays a role of a piece of the game. Unlike we do the game on board and play by two players, there is no center of decision. All the strategy of the game is
  • Systems Maintenance consists of three versions of a furnished room. An ensemble of life-sized furniture occupies a large circular platform on the floor, a virtual room is displayed on a computer monitor, and a 1/8 size physical scale model of the
  • Crack it !
    connective force attack: open way to public How to crack it!' was the information and encouragement the computer magazine PC Online offered to readers in issue 10/2000, followed by precise instructions on how to take part in the boldly
  • Pentimento - video
    Pentimento was produced as an Interactive Video Installation and Interactive DVD-ROM during Dennis Del Favero's on-going Research Fellowship at ZKM which began in 1998. The Interactive Video Installation comprises an 8 metre square room with
  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach.
  • Metropolis -
    Interactive digital video projection environment 16 x 16 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour A Little Pig Production, UK, 2005. Supported by Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre Metropolis is composed of
  • Stream I Stream II -
    Stream deals with issues concerning presence, both physical and remote (virtual), and asks "what if" we all lost the ability to differentiate ourselves and our sense of singularity in the world? What would it be like if we could all see what
  • Interactive digital video projection environment 12 x 12 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Sue Hawksley (Choreography) and Stuart Jones (sound) Produced by Victoria