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  • 9+1 -
    Event: 9+1Institution: Centro Cultural da Justiça FederalComment:
  • Event: 8th Momentum Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art: Tunnel visionInstitution: Momentum KunsthallComment:
  • showing the work Diver
  • 86 Divine FiguresArtist: Zhan WangComment:
  • 8520 S.W. 27th Place -
    8520 S.W. 27th PL is an installation about the pointlessness of our never ending decision making process: choosing between left or right, brown shoes or black shoes, K-mart or Wal-mart. The exhibit features modified Dancing Hamster Toys, originally...
  • Inspired by Jules Vernes’ classic novel, Ars Electronica, voestalpine and Linz09 are going on a ‘round-the-world journey June 18 to September 7, 2009. “80+1 – A Trip Around the World” is an expedition across the face of our planet and into our...
  • 8-Bit -
    Popular exhibition of 8-bit technology art featuring Micro Arts 1980s work, showing live generative art, along with 30 prints, displays of 1980s technology such as micro computers, data cassettes, and more. With Sean Clark's interactive audio-visual...
  • 7th Lyon Biennale -
    Event: 7th Lyon BiennaleInstitution: KIASMAComment:
  • XX Unesco Prize for the Arts – 7th Biennial de La Habana
  • 7th Berlin Biennale -
    Event: 7th Berlin BiennaleInstitution: KW Institute for Contemporary ArtComment: