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  • p53 -
    ... Hammered into granite the sculpture portrays the entire genetic sequence of the human suicide gene p53. The gene is exposed in a... p53 is a manifestation of how media have changed pre-digital art. Where traditional sculpture before made superficial depictions of...
  • ... colour on two levels: colour (the RGB colour model), is forced artificially upon the achromatic micro recording while the procedure...
  • ... is half open and showcases a space of action consisting of artificially distorted staircase and door sequences from films...
  • ... que l’architecture, la domotique, la robotique, l’Intelligence Artificielle, le spectacle et le Live Play. On a cru un temps que...
  • Blue Stage -
    ... themes. Here, new kinds of interaction of between man and networked knowledge are tried out. The visitor can navigate flexibly -... in Montpellier, Berlin and Copenhagen, the three partner cities in the European Community project, examples are given of...
  • ... strives to give an impression of the variety of forms that net art can take and of the multiple themes that have emerged over the... The selection of Internet-based art for the 2002 Biennial strives to give an impression of the variety of forms that net art can take and of the...
  • Transarchitectures -
    ... sur la philosophie, les mathématiques, la biologie, l’intelligence artificielle… Plus trans-disciplinaire que jamais, l’architecture se...
  • ...Event: Design comportemental et intelligence artificielleInstitution: Lip6, Université Paris 6Comment:
  • ...Event: Création artistique et intelligence artificielleInstitution: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecom (ENST)Comment:
  • ...Event: Festival International EXIT 2013 : Natures artificielles / Curator : Charles CarcopinoInstitution: Maison des Arts CréteilComment: