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  • Simon Schiessl is an engineer and artist. Trained in physics and engineering in Munich and Berlin, he designs and fabricates interactive media systems. Currently, he is a candidate for an MS degree at the MIT Media Lab. Schiessl is an artist whose...
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Eventstructures In International Symposium on Pneumatic Structures, Delft Universitity of Technology, Delft, edited by Stichting P.D.O.B.Delft, NL: 1972.
  • Arnheim, Rudolf. Anschauliches Denken: Zur Einheit von Bild und Begriff. Köln: DuMont, 1972.
  • Ascott, Roy. Art as an Alternative to Education, or, The Rise of the Jam Factory Art (Society of Canadian Artists) 1, no. 3 (1972): 14 - 16.
  • Smith, Gary William. Aesthetic Paragraphs PAGE. Bulletin of the Computer Arts Society 27 (1972).
  • British Avantgarde -
    Event: British AvantgardeInstitution: Floriade - Stuurgroep Haarlemmerméér GroenComment:
  • Rainbow -
    Event: RainbowInstitution: National Gallery of VictoriaComment:
  • Moomba Festival -
    Event: Moomba FestivalInstitution: Moomba FestivalComment:
  • Event: Floriade, World Horticultural ExhibitionInstitution: Floriade - Stuurgroep Haarlemmerméér GroenComment:
  • Grass - video
    The original programming language "GRASS" (GRAphics Symbiosis System) was developed by Thomas DeFanti for his Ph.D. dissertation at The Ohio State University in 1974. For further information, see Wayne Carlson, Historical Significance In 1969, the...