Archive Search

  • Foucault, Michel. Surveiller et punir. Naissance de la prison. Bibliothèque des histories Collection Tel Band 225, Paris: Gallimard, 1975.
  • Table
    Ascott, Roy. Table House: The Journal of the London Architecture Club 1 1 (1975).
  • Holland, John Henry. Adaption in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis
    with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1975.
  • Event: Junggesellenmaschinen/Les Machines CélibatairesInstitution: Kunsthalle BernComment:
  • Siggraph 1975 -
    Event: Siggraph 1975Institution: ACM SiggraphComment:
  • 9th Biennale de Paris -
    Event: 9th Biennale de ParisInstitution: Museum of Modern ArtComment:
  • Speelruimte -
    Event: SpeelruimteInstitution: Dordrecht MuseumComment:
  • Diadrama
    The Diadrama was an audio-visual performance with over 2000 slides being projected onto a large wide screen by three pairs of synchronised slide projectors. The main themes explored in this work were panoramic methods of representation, the collage...
  • Staircase
    A sequence of photographs was taken of people using the central staircase in the Stedelijk Museum. This scene was then virtually re-constructed by projecting these images full-scale onto two contiguous projection screens - one hanging vertically on...