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  • ...Event: Coleção Chateaubriand”Institution: Centro Cultural SantanderComment:
  • ...Event: Gilberto Chateaubriand’s CollectionInstitution: Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio...
  • Machine Winks is a dance performance between a dancer and an interactive mechanical partner. After some sketches were made during the ‘Synergy’ workshop organised by The Krisztina de Châtel Dance Company, Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse
  • ...eesley, Philip. SKIN DEEP: LIMINAL STATES. Chatham: The Thames Art Gallery,...
  • circulation -
    circulation, 2010 MP4 Full HD y Flash (RSS Yahoo) The man: Vincent Charlebois The woman: Mélissa Gagné Production: Agence Topo para Geoweb Circulation elaborates a parallel between two lovers’ discourse and the flow of cars, because
  • ... us - František Drtikol Gallery, Chateau Ernestinum, Příbram, Curators...
  • Chatonsky, Gregory. Translation, du récit numérique Journal de Fresnoy, Studio...
  • Libérons la fleur -
    Event: Libérons la fleurInstitution: Galerie Martine et Thibault de la ChâtreComment:
  • I like Frank -
    ... Players in the real city chatted with players in the virtual...
  • max mip tex -
    ... into the splitting field and chatted to whatever distressed bots...