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  • Artist: Roberto WinterComment:
  • Simanowski, Roberto, ed. Digitale Medien in der Erlebnisgesellschaft. Kultur - Kunst - Utopien. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: rowohlts enzyklopädie, 2008.
  • Artist film-maker whose current work centres on watery places such as rivers, estuaries and coastal zones. She uses a process-based dialogic methodology informed by écriture féminine to explore the interrelationship between bodies and forgotten,
  • Roberto Lopez-Gulliver is a Mexican Media artist and researcher. Received his BSc degree in Mathematics form the Autonomous University of Guadalajara with honors for his thesis work titled: "Bounded Variation Functions: Differenciation and
  • Event: Artist Talk Roberto WinterInstitution: Academy of Fine Arts ViennaComment:
  • Simanowski, Roberto. The Art of Mapping Statistics
  • Uncle Roy All Around You is a game played online in a virtual city and on the streets of an actual city. Online Players and Street Players collaborate to find Uncle Roy's office before being invited to make a year long commitment to a total
  • Pulse Park -
    In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity measured by a sensor sculpture installed at the North end of the Oval Lawn. These biometric rhythms are translated and projected as pulses of
  • Sommerer, Christa and Roberto Lopez-Gulliver and Laurent Mignonneau. Interfacing the Web: Multimodal and Immersive Interaction with the Internet In VSMM2002. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, ,
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau and Roberto et. al. Lopez-Gulliver. Riding the Net: A Novel, Intuitive and Entertaining Tool to Browse the Internet In SCI 2001 – 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics