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  • .. making visible that which is not before our eyes, that which is not directly evident nor exposed to the view ..
  • William Kentridge -
    ... development, obliquely examines the effects of apartheid on those who had the most to...
  • ... the international media art community 4. Afterfollowing an invitation from the Italian... technoscientific theories on the effects of body-cyberspace interaction. In...
  • Diana Domingues, a pioneering artist-engineer, scholar, and researcher from Brazil, has impacted and shaped the landscape of electronic art in Latin America. By bridging the realms of intangible culture and rituals within Latin American native
  • .. explore the potential of the human body to be an audio-visual instrument ..
  • ... called The Lacemaker, which he named after the same-titled painting by Johannes Vermeer... like and what other residual perceptual effects would emerge from watching those...
  • The two internationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have been active as an artistic couple since the ‘90s and have especially pioneered in the field of interactive media art and exlporations of artificial life.
  • ... experimenting in the computer lab. Soon after, they teamed up and right away cocreated... andphysical instruments as well as for effects on my artistic video production .I have a...
  • ... the ruins of castles in a nostalgic afterglow. What has followed in terms of a...
  • ...Event: Transmediale.14: The AfterglowInstitution: TransmedialeComment: