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  • ...Kimmett, Colleen. Google Farm View: Artist Sylvia Grace Borda gives agrarian Surrey a techie treatment The Tyee (Weekend Edition) Oct 19, no....
  • ...Bruno, Christophe. Google et au-delà: Interview by Ariel Kyrou Multitudes 36 (2009).
  • ... to the creation of new semantics and meanings. Currently, Google's influence is unparalleled. It has expanded the way that we...
  • ...The Google Adwords Happening: how a global happening on Google unveiled the Generalized Semantic Capitalism. “At the beginning of April, a...
  • ... panorama, but also a general history of the moving image: as a driver for cinema. Like cinema, the experience does not depend on the...
  • ...Computer-driven media installation with variable narratives and spatial configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • Global Direct -
    ... ideologies of the past century. A political shift that is also driven by technology and connectivity that potentially empower society...
  • Geode - video
    ... creating the sculpture’s metamorphosis between various sound-driven, geometric patterns. The sound data directly affects the intensity...
  • GaribaldiMap -
    ... Every time I find a new Garibaldi’s statue, I take a Google Street View screenshot. This tool is very useful to observe how...
  • ...Bruno, Christophe. From Dada to Google Digimag 42 (2009).