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  • The 090909 UpStage Festival took place on 9 September 2009 (with bits on the 8th or the 10th depending on where you were in the world). 14 performances by artists across 9 time zones were presented over the 20 hours of the festival, with audiences...
  • Abominable Abdominal Wrinkles reffers to a Rrose Sélavy´s text: "Abominables fourrures abdominales".It belongs to a series of Writings produced by Duchamp based in the dadaist manner. The video (1 minute) plays with compactation of information...
  • 1' = 24 images -
    1' = 24 imagesArtist: Claudia Robles-AngelComment:
  • 1+1
    1+1Artist: Sawad BrooksComment:
  • 1,4..19 -
    Animal experimentation is a common practice for people. We have used the standard metaphor of a mouse in a labyrinth to study the mechanics of how reality of shaped. The mouse is rigidly influenced by its own unrealized reality. We observe how it...
  • 1.5° Celsius -
    Event: 1.5° CelsiusInstitution: Everson Museum of ArtComment:
  • The 10th Birthday of UpStage was celebrated on 9-10 January 2014 with three performances, a symposium on remote collaboration, a planning meeting and the launch of UpStage v3. The event was supported by CityLink (who provided free wifi), the venue 19...
  • Cadet, France. 10 places on "rue Paradis" In Art au paradis - exhibition catalogue, Marseille, FR: 2009.
  • Event: 10 Theses on the DigitalInstitution: Ruhr-Universität BochumComment:
  • Interactive Net-Based Installation 10'000 moving cities deals with the world of information, user-generated content and news about places, cultures, people and movements. Visitors can select any city or place, using a digital interface. About the...