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  • Bismarck, Julius von and Julian Charrière and Eric Ellingsen. Some Pigeons Are More Equal Than Others. Zürich: Lars Müller, 2015.
  • Unusual, bright-colored birds were observed on the Piazza San Marco in the summer of 2012, and in Copenhagen in the same year similar birds were sighted, which largely maintained close proximity to pigeons. When looking at the birds more closely,
  • In this installation images are projected onto a large screen lying flat on the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any
  • CHArt Computers and the History and Art. Twenty-fourth Annual Conference
  • Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag & N-solab 1965 in Lübeck, Deutschland Club Transmediale 2008 sonArc::project, Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, ISBN (13)978-3-931659-97 Auszeichnungen (Auswahl) [Bearbeiten] 2008 CYNETart-Award 08 2008 Deutscher
  • still living (a, b, e, f, g, h, i, j), 2006 Series of infinite visual installations. Computer, specific algorithm Courtesy: the artist This series of visual installations revolves around the concept of living graphics: graphics using
  • Cyclone -
    YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena: severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes. the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums. The
  • Spanish artist who has evolved over time towards video art and later in based on the sculpture. This way, his works moving from traditional scuptural concepts to the use of new technologies, he moved from photography to video art, followed
  • Journey to the Moon -
    Verzaubert von dem ersten Science-Fiction-Film der Geschichte "Le Voyage dans la Lune" (George Méliès, 1902), schafft der zeitgenössische Künstler William Kentridge mit seinem gleichnamigen Werk eine Hommage an den französischen Experimentalfilmer
  • Charzyńska, Jadwiga and Ryszard W. Kluszczyński and Wolfgang Strauss and Monika Fleischmann. »VIDEO: The opening of the Performing Data exhibition by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss in Laznia CCA in Gdańsk, Poland.«