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  • Strata -
    The Strata project explores the design of layered, electronically-augmented physical models that serve as tangible interfaces to specific dataspaces. Strata's first application is an interface that embodies the physical structure of the Media
  • GeoSCAPE -
    GeoSCAPE is a reconstructive tool for capturing measurement data in field archaeology and facilitating a 3-D visualization of an excavation rendered in computer graphics. This project is carried out by extending a recently developed
  • This project explores ways in which people can create/navigate through non-linear narrative spaces using Triangles. Triangles is a digital/physical construction kit of indentical, flat, plastic triangular pieces. The pieces connect together both
  • Echelon -
    This work was made in response to a call by Metamute (London) for Jam Echelon Day 2001. It simply employs all the words stored in the Echelon system in a program that automatically generates texts using whatever dictionary it has available.
  • Bricks -
    Bricks is a Graspable User Interface which allows direct control of electronic or virtual objects through physical handles for control. These physical artifacts are essentially new input devices which can be tightly coupled or “attached” to virtual
  • ClearBoard -
    ClearBoard is designed to integrate interpersonal space and shared workspace seamlessly. A design goal of ClearBoard is to allow a pair of users to shift easily between interpersonal space and shared workspace using familiar everyday cues such as
  • musicBottles -
    musicBottles introduces a tangible interface that deploys bottles as containers and controls for digital information. The system consists of a specially designed table and three corked bottles that "contain" the sounds of the violin, the cello and
  • Augmented Reality public art project, 4-channel video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of Lehel in Munich with visions, texts, maps, the dreams of local residents and scientific findings. The monumental
  • Lenticular Bicycle is the first sculpture in the series to use human energy. The pedal-powered movie references the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the hacked bicycles that are roughly converted for use in family businesses throughout Southeast
  • Personal Ambient Displays are small, physical devices worn to display information to a person in a subtle, persistent, and private manner. They can be small enough to be carried in a pocket, worn as a watch, or even adorned like jewelry. In our