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  • Event: Pièces à convictionsInstitution: Festival vidéo de Montbéliard 1985Comment:
  • Minitel used a half-duplex asymmetric data transmission through a modem.
  • Oco
    As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in space, the letter I appears and disappears, producing the fleeting appearance of the words "o cio" (in heat) and "ócio" (idleness).
  • ZOONE -
    Media environment Shown at Amerlinghaus Vienna (A) in the context of the "Computerkulturtage" When the elephant falls from the tree, the ants die. Zoone- zone, zoo Computer images quickly animate a composition scheme with rhythm changes- Screen 1...
  • Event: Arte OnlineInstitution: Companhia Telefônica de São PauloComment:
  • 1985 Summer Show -
    Micro Arts Group works by Geoff Davis shown on a continuous display. Works show were MA1 "Abstract Originals" (generative graphics with colour control) and MA4: Story Generator (text story generator based on short story Cow Boils Head)
  • Mordà, Claudio and Gianluigi Rocca and Adriano Abbado. Immagini con il computer: le tecniche, l’arte. : Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1985.
  • Abbado, Adriano and Gianluigi Rocca and Claudio Mordà. Immagini con il computer: le tecniche, l’arte. : Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1985.
  • Points of View III - A Three Dimensional Story explored the notion of an open artwork by inviting sixteen people to make narrative contributions which were then interactively linked to the visual scenography so that the viewer could navigate between...
  • Sym-Ulations -
    Sym-Ulations allows participants to explore the asymmetry of their own faces.It also allows them to use their own face to create humorous impossible faces.

    User Interaction:
    The user holds a "Setup" button and sees a mirror image of his face on...