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  • Anti-City Circus -
    Event: Anti-City CircusInstitution: KoopvardersplantsoenComment:
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Anthroposcope and Phototropy In ARTEC´95, Nagoya: Nagoya City Art Museum, 1995.
  • Anthroposcope Concept Anthroposcope is an interactive installation involving a microscope, a real plant and a fingertip pulse sensor. The heart bit sensor being clipped onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of the...
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Anthroposcope In Scultura e Oltre: 16th International Biennale del Bronzetto e della Piccola Scultura, edited by G. Franco and Ernesto Luciano FranaclanciPadova: Il Poligrafo, 1995.
  • Anthroposcope -
    Event: AnthroposcopeInstitution: Galerie StadtparkComment:
  • Anders, Peter. Anthropic Cyberspace: Defining Electronic Space from First Principles Leonardo 34, no. 5 (2001): 409-416.
  • Artist: Anthony RoweComment:
  • Ansichtskarte / Pseudo-Perspective StudyArtist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • Arnheim, Rudolf. Anschauliches Denken: Zur Einheit von Bild und Begriff. Köln: DuMont, 1972.