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  • Event: Another aircraftInstitution: YouTubeComment:
  • Electronic Visual Music Work TRT: 1:53 Anonymous Real-time : Igor Amokian LIVE @ LA CITA June 7, 2016 LA CA. Directed and Animated by Victor Acevedo Music by Igor Amokian (Chris Holland) video © 2017 Victor Acevedo music © 2016 Chris Holland Victor:...
  • Eventmodul::anonymous.databody.muttering addresses the phenomenon of our digital identity. knowbotic research builds data bodies from the many personal traces we leave when using forms of digital communication. In this installation, visitors can...
  • PLANCTON was founded in the 1994 by a group of three artists (Annunziato, Pierucci and Gemma de Julio) and started the activities with a series of artworks and experiments on expressive languages based on the fusion of different media (video, music,...
  • Event: Annual ShowCaseInstitution: EyebeamComment:
  • Event: Annual ShowCaseInstitution: EyebeamComment:
  • Scholar: Annie Goh
  • Scholar: Annick Bureaud
  • Artist: Anne-Sarah Le MeurComment: