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  • ... segments are reminiscent of Berlot's previously realized works of art - topography of magnetic fluids and light sculptures. The...
  • 4,24′ The video Inverse space works on two levels of microscopic observation: the first line of recordings shows the transformation of a...
  • ... sphere of unseen magnetic physical attractions and energies works to (re)direct the viewer towards more subtle, usually...
    ... intersections between science – mostly medicine, and art. Her works are often based on a recontextualization of visual results from...
    ... with magnetism and as far as the complex levels of her works of art are concerned, it is the temporal dimension which...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... Excerpt from: Robles, C. 2011. Creating Interactive Multimedia Works with Bio-data. NIME 2011 Proceeding Books ISSN: 2220 – 4792 /...
  • ArtFem.TV
    ... The aim of ArtFem.TV is to foster Women in the Arts, their art works and projects, to create an international online television...
  • ...Everardo REYES is an academic who works in the fields of information design, media art, hypermedia, and digital culture.
  • ... from the technical malfunctioning of the device. Hyperoptics works to reveal the conditions of technologically enhanced...
  • ... by visionary architect Friedrich Kiesler.* A projection screen works as the interface between real space and cyberspace. A virtual...