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  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Adson Ferreira da Rocha and Camila Hamdan and Leci Augusto and Cristiano Jacques Miosso. Biocybrid systems and the re-engineering of life SPIE Proceedings 7864 (JANUARY 2011).
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Adson Ferreira da Rocha and Camila Hamdan and Leci Augusto and Cristiano Jacques Miosso. Biocybrid systems and the re-engineering of life SPIE Proceedings 7864 (JANUARY 2011).
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Adson Ferreira da Rocha and Camila Hamdan and Leci Augusto and Cristiano Jacques Miosso. Biocybrid systems and the re-engineering of life SPIE Proceedings 7864 (JANUARY 2011).
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Adson Ferreira da Rocha and Camila Hamdan and Leci Augusto and Cristiano Jacques Miosso. Biocybrid systems and the re-engineering of life SPIE Proceedings 7864 (JANUARY 2011).
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Adson Ferreira da Rocha and Camila Hamdan and Leci Augusto and Cristiano Jacques Miosso. Biocybrid systems and the re-engineering of life SPIE Proceedings 7864 (JANUARY 2011).
  • Pires, Kenia F and Leina A.B Pimenta and Marcelino M. de Andrade and DIANA MARIA G DOMINGUES and Cristiano MIOSSO and Adson ROCHA. Influence of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on the Conduction Velocity Measured Using EMG Signals Provided by
  • Interactive digital video projection environment 12 x 12 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Sue Hawksley (Choreography) and Stuart Jones (sound) Produced by Victoria
  • Exhibiting artists: - Art Ex Machina (KAWANO Hroi shi, Georg NEES, Ken KNOWLTON, Manfred MOHR, Frieder NAKE, Manuel BARBADILLO) - KIMOTO Keiko - FUJIHATA Masaki - Tamás WALICZKY Curated by: TADA Kaori (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) Curatorial
  • Kronman, Linda and Andreas Zingerle. “Let’s talk business” and “Megacorp” – Examples of artistic anti fraud activism In Engineering the future, edited by V&A Digital Design Weekend: V&A, 2016.
  • Andreas Zingerle is a media artist, designer, lecturer and researcher from Austria. He received his PhD from the University of Art and Design Linz (Austria) researching topics such as Internet crime, fraud and scam, vigilante counter-movements and