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  • Grau, Oliver. Nowe obrazy z zycia: Rzeczywistosc wirtualna, sztuka genetyczna i transgeniczna Kwartalnik filmowy 35-36, no. XXI (2001): 108-119.
  • Be Now Here - video
    Be Now Here is an installation about landscape and public places. Visitors gain a strong sense of place by wearing 3-D glasses and stepping into an immersive virtual environment. The imagery is of public plazas on the UNESCO World Heritage
  • “Art is the Signature of our Species.” "Michael Saup’s work focuses on the underlying forces of nature and society; an ongoing research project into what he calls the “Archaeology of Future”. His research focus in recent years has been on
  • Artist and filmmaker William Kentridge has earned international acclaim for creating distinctive animated films that address the political and cultural climate of his native South Africa. In Tide Table (recently acquired by The Rose), the artist
  • Under the motto "Document", the 18th EMAF highlighted various media artistic approaches to documentary forms. Playing with media structures, analysing the power of the media, reflecting one’s own media production and examining the conditions of
  • Soft Cinema - video
    Initiated by Lev Manovich in 2002, Soft Cinema project mines the new creative possibilities at the intersection of cinema, software culture, and architecture. Its manifestations include computer-driven installations and films, architectural designs,
  • Combining the political with the poetic, William Kentridge's work has made an indelible mark on the contemporary art scene. Dealing with subjects as sobering as apartheid and colonialism, Kentridge often imbues his art with dreamy, lyrical
  • In 2008, the 21st EMAF explored personal identity in a globalised world. How will the advance of digital technologies change all areas of private and public life? Identity is always a contemporary issue, concerning all areas of society. In
  • Scott Snibbe is a pioneering digital artist and entrepreneur whose work includes apps, video, and interactive installations. His art is in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), which in