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Simanowski, Roberto. The Art of Mapping Statistics
Spieker, Sven. Pockets Full of Memories: A conversation with George Legrady
Hinterleitner, Karin. Eternal Summer: George Legrady im Gespräch
Lovink, Geert. An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War - Interview with George Legrady
Legrady, George. George Legrady Born Digital Projects (1986-present) Mirror: Art and the Internet in LA 1969+ (2023).
van der Meulen, Sjoukje and Max Bruinsma. Man as 'Aggregate of Data': What Computers should not do. AI & Society 2, no. 34 (2019): 343-354.
van der Meulen, Sjoukje. Database Art and Design: Pioneering Strategies in the Arts towards Digital Archiving and Collecting
van der Meulen, Sjoukje. Between Benjamin and McLuhan: Vilém Flusser’s Media Theory,” New German Critique 110 (Summer 2010): 180-209. New German Critique , no. 110 (2010): 180-209.
Van der Meulen, Sjoukje. Image-ability: Another Reading of Bildgeschichte," in James Elkins, ed., Farewell to Visual Studies, pp. 218-222. University Park, PA: PSU Press, 2014.