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Parker and Kayla. Flow and Cadence: Landscape Film-making in the Laira Estuary BAFTSS Conference 2021 n/a, no. n/a (April 2021): n/a.
DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. The Magic of Immersive Poetics: HEARTscapes and OUROBOROS ARCO 2003 INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART EXPERTS FORUM - 22nd Edition of the International Contemporary Art Fair, no Forum Nuevas Tecnologías y Nuevas Formas de Arte ...
DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and A. F. DA ROCHA and Cristiano MIOSSO. Art and Life: Biocybrid systems and the reengineering of reality Art At The Crossroads 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art 17 (2011): 1.
DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Adson ROCHA and Alexandre BARBOSA and A. L. C. G. de OLIVEIRA and C. TURELLY and Cristiano MIOSSO and Henrique Galvan DEBARBA and Tiago LUCENA and Maria Aparecida MATTOS. Ouroborus Biocíbrido: Geografismos do Extâse....
George Legrady and Abigail Solomon-Godeau. Refraction George Legrady
George Legrady and Abigail Solomon-Godeau. Refraction George Legrady
Vancat, Jaroslav and Daniel Riha. Structuralist Content Design in the Multi-Touch Museum Environment In: Airing the Past: Inquiries into Digital Memories , no. 85-91 (2016).
Vancat, Jaroslav and Daniel Riha. Structuralist Content Design in the Multi-Touch Museum Environment In: Airing the Past: Inquiries into Digital Memories , no. 85-91 (2016).
Vancat, Jaroslav and Daniel Riha. Structuralist Content Design in the Multi-Touch Museum Environment In: Airing the Past: Inquiries into Digital Memories (JANUARY 2019 2016): 85-91.
Vancat, Jaroslav and Daniel Riha. Structuralist Content Design in the Multi-Touch Museum Environment In: Airing the Past: Inquiries into Digital Memories (JANUARY 2019 2016): 85-91.