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  • Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery, Oldham,...
  • In 1989, Eduardo Kac transmitted from Chicago his artwork Spacescapes via slow-scan television simultaneously to Pittsburgh (to the DAX Group) and to Boston (to a group led by Dana Moser). The transmission took place in the context of the Three-City...
  • Kac, Eduardo. Holopoetry and fractal holopoetry: Digital holography as an art medium Leonardo 22, no. 3/4 (1989): 397-402.
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • Event: Three-City Link transmissionInstitution: Eduardo Kac, Carlos Fadon, Dana Moser, the DAX groupComment:
    Event: MIGRAÇÕESInstitution: Centro Cultural Cândido MendesComment:
  • The Echoes of Ambiguity within Electronic Space - A series of image files produced on a Commodore Amiga computer that were derived from ambiguous compositions of language representation - whilst being abstract yet representational of reality at the...
  • This work addresses the notion of a library of the written language, and gives special aesthetic emphasis to the digital (binary) transformation of language to embody the context of the LBC as a computing center for a larger network of provincial...
  • Circular-patterned digitizing of the viewers' movements was conjoined with the static recording of a large souvenir reproduction of the Eiffel Tower. The work uses the same image processing software originally developed for Video Narcissus (Turin,...
  • Sometimes a Cigar is only a Cigar (Freud)Artist: Victoria VesnaComment: