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  • Event: Triennial of Central European Culture and Art / The UniversalInstitution: Olomouc Museum of ArtComment:
  • Event: Trieste Electronic art FestivalInstitution: Trieste Electronic ArtComment:
  • Trigger -
    "Part soft-core pornography, part political allegory and part Modernist play with media," Jordan Crandall's Trigger is a "sermon about masculinity, sex, surveillance, and violence." (Ken Johnson, The New York Times, 15 Nov 2002).

    "The work...
  • Trigger
    Trigger explored the vignettes, ebbs, flows and narratives that emerge from the relationships we have with urban spaces. It featured seven projections that were configured to fill the stairwell space. Visitors passed through a set of 12 motion...
  • Triggerhappy -
    Triggerhappy is a gallery installation whose format will be familiar to anyone who has encountered that early arcade game, Space Invaders combining an absurd quest for information with an old-fashioned shoot-em-up computer game. In this, it...
  • Trigon-Personale 95 -
    Event: Trigon-Personale 95Institution: Neue Galerie Graz (am Landesmuseum Joanneum)Comment:
  • Triple Echo is an interactive film environment where poetic monologues are each performed by three actors representing an updated version of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth. These characters form a proverbial "Eternal Triangle". Each screen section...
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • Godwin, Nicola. Tripping on the Light Fantastic The London Daily Telegraph (June 1997): 12-13.