Archive Search

  • Cebit '90 -
    Event: Cebit '90Institution: CeBitComment:
  • Artifices 1 -
    Event: Artifices 1Institution: Universitè Paris VIII / Vincennes Saint-DenisComment:
  • Event: Art in the Anchorage '90Institution: Creative TimeComment:
  • Siggraph 1990 -
    Event: Siggraph 1990Institution: ACM SiggraphComment:
  • Earth Signals -
    Event: Earth SignalsInstitution: Omphalos GalleryComment:
  • The Legible City -
    Event: The Legible CityInstitution: De Balie TheaterComment:
  • Time Space Light -
    Event: Time Space LightInstitution: Minerva Art Academy Comment:
  • Event: Electronic ImaginationInstitution: Museo della CattedraleComment:
  • The Globe Show -
    Event: The Globe ShowInstitution: Omphalos GalleryComment:
  • Event: The Artists and the LightInstitution: Centre National d'Art et de TechnologieComment: