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  • The Telepresent Onlookers utilizes the EVE (1993) visualization system. In the centre of a large inflatable dome, two video projectors are mounted on a motorised pan/tilt device which can move the projected image anywhere over the inside surface of
  • PlaceWorld is an embodiment of a physical electronic landscape (eSCAPE) that explores the potentialities of a new interaction paradigm: augmented virtuality. It was developed as an eSCAPE demonstrator in partnership with the European ESPRIT i3
  • Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1928 'La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc' is arguably one of the finest films in the history of film, and Renée Jeanne Falconetti, primarily known as a stage performer in light opera, provides it with one of cinema's most harrowing
  • Plot [English title, Project outline #11 to #15] Series 'Body Scanned Architecture' The work series 'Projektskizzen' was developed in 2001, based on the interactive computer environment 'Body Scanned Architecture', which was realized in the Austrian
  • It's hard to see a photograph physically fading, erasing itself with the bombardment of light but hold no doubts it is subtly becoming elusive like all we hold dear. I often find myself contemplating the fragility of the moment, and I believe this
  • We Need Us -
    What is the meaning of data beyond its value-laden content? We Need Us draws metadata from the activities of citizen science site Zooniverse’s million+ participants to create an ever-growing environment of sounds and animated forms. Unlike
  • “Making of Eve Clone Portrait” received the First Prize in ART WOMEN International Exhibition held by PPLG in Italy ?FELLOWSHIP PRIZE 2020 – Platinium Certificate Award ?Best concept on the trilogy of the word “Culture-Territory-Identity”)
  • Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital work involving printmaking and video. Since 2007 his primary focus has been working with video and producing (electronic) visual music works. As an ongoing practice, Acevedo issues images as
  • The Unframed World -
    In Virtual Reality the viewer overcomes the limited surface of a computer screen. Instead of looking through a window, the viewer exits real surroundings to become part of another world. The Unframed World is the first comprehensive presentation of
  • Dove, Toni. Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame. New York: Granary Books, 1993.